Mary  Lansing

Mary Harrison Lansing (’87), Naperville, Ill. :: She was a long-time educator who specialized in teaching reading and language skills to children pre-school through second grade. She served as a second-grade teacher for many years at Stevens Park Elementary School in Dallas and taught at other schools around the country. She earned her master’s degree from Texas Woman’s University. She enjoyed exercising and had finished backpacking a quarter of the Appalachian Trail.

Mary Harrison Lansing (’87), Naperville, Ill. :: She was a long-time educator who specialized in teaching reading and language skills to children pre-school through second grade. She served as a second-grade teacher for many years at Stevens Park Elementary School in Dallas and taught at other schools around the country. She earned her master’s degree from Texas Woman’s University. She enjoyed exercising and had finished backpacking a quarter of the Appalachian Trail.