Brian Lain's connections with students earn him his second 'Fessor Graham Award.
An innovative movie from The Polyphonic Spree will be shown at UNT's Sky Theater planetarium.
A time capsule was discovered from the 'Wild Women,' a group formed in the 1980s.
Pollinators have Jen Rose ('99, '02 M.F.A.) to thank for helping them stay hydrated.
Jonathan McNary ('22) takes on role as manager of the new Dallas Music Office.
David Baker ('22) gives artists a way to showcase their work through the North Texas Makers.
Shara Nova's career has been filled with creative adventures -- and life-changing lessons.
Christine Truong ('24) uses her business degree to help children in her native Vietnam.
Junior Marisol Lopez uses the lessons learned in fashion design class for a unique show.