Elida Tamez

ELIDA TAMEZ (’81), 59, of Denton, a former developmental officer in the College of Music, died June 9, in Denton. She is remembered for her courage during her 20-year battle with cancer, even being arrested for protesting against fracking in the city of Denton while in the midst of chemotherapy. After working at North Texas’ bookstore, she ran her own regional sales book firm, McLemore and Tamez. She worked at UNT from 2000 to 2013. She and her husband, Theron Palmer, were strong supporters of UNT — from making donations to hosting music students and visiting faculty in their home. Memorials can be made to the Elida Tamez Endowment for Choral Conducting.

ELIDA TAMEZ (’81), 59, of Denton, a former developmental officer in the College of Music, died June 9, in Denton. She is remembered for her courage during her 20-year battle with cancer, even being arrested for protesting against fracking in the city of Denton while in the midst of chemotherapy. After working at North Texas’ bookstore, she ran her own regional sales book firm, McLemore and Tamez. She worked at UNT from 2000 to 2013. She and her husband, Theron Palmer, were strong supporters of UNT — from making donations to hosting music students and visiting faculty in their home. Memorials can be made to the Elida Tamez Endowment for Choral Conducting.

Elida Tamez