Bora Yuce

Bora Yuce (’10), Ankara, Turkey :: He entered UNT’s new mechanical engineering program and went on to work at Bell Helicopter, where he was in charge of the virtual reality simulators. He was known for his generosity, which included hosting monthly dinners called the “feasting” and calling friends who were out of work to motivate them to find a new job. He had moved to Turkey — his family’s homeland — to pursue a robotics master’s in Ankara and be closer to his parents.

Bora Yuce (’10), Ankara, Turkey :: He entered UNT’s new mechanical engineering program and went on to work at Bell Helicopter, where he was in charge of the virtual reality simulators. He was known for his generosity, which included hosting monthly dinners called the “feasting” and calling friends who were out of work to motivate them to find a new job. He had moved to Turkey — his family’s homeland — to pursue a robotics master’s in Ankara and be closer to his parents.