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Presidential greetings

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Presidential greetings

Through the decades, new students and those returning to campus found official greetings from the North Texas president in the first fall issues of the Campus Chat student newspaper. Growth on campus — including construction activities and a need for more space — is a recurring theme. Here are a few examples pulled from the archives:

Oct. 2, 1919
Greeting to Our Students

We welcome you to the Nineteenth Annual Session of the College. During these nineteen years it has developed from a school of three or four hundred and a curriculum limited to one line of work consisting of a three-year course above the eighth grade of the high school, to a college offering nine distinct courses, each leading to the standard Bachelor's Degree in Education.

Notwithstanding the disorganized state of business, traffic, the high cost of living, etc., we have had one of the most auspicious openings in the history of the school.

While we have suffered from resignations of some of our most valuable members of the faculty, our ranks have been filled by men and women distinguished for their educational attainments, and I assure you no department is in a condition to suffer for want of capable instructors.

I bespeak for you a most pleasant, most profitable, and a most prosperous year's work with us, and invite you to my office at any and at all times.

Yours sincerely,
W.H. Bruce, President

Sept. 25, 1923

Yes, the place is all mussed up, that's true. We were expecting you, however, and some of us have grown a bit impatient for your arrival. It is not so bad, anyway. You soon will become interested in the flying (brick) bats among the trees and the scrambled campus will charm you with an ever-changing view. Old timers are so rejoiced over the prospects for a fine new building that they actually enjoy the "muss and goings on." Through it all they see what is to be.

The College community will be adequately cared for and comfortably housed this year, notwithstanding the building program. Ingenious committees have found rooms for all classes, and no part of the school program will in any way be neglected. The daily schedule furnished you by the sectionizing committee is a correct guide for the faculty and student body. This schedule proves the truth of the adage: all things are possible.

Oh, yes: I started out to say Howdy! We are glad to see you; come right in; make yourselves at home! May I add: Complete your schedule, join something, get busy, and you will be a happy student.

We are happy to have you, new student!
We are happy to have you back, old timer!
R.L. Marquis, President

Sept. 23, 1939
President McConnell Gives Welcome

To Incoming Students:

Once more the campus bears its usual fall-time hum of industry. Workmen have been hurrying to and fro in a somewhat frantic effort to set buildings and equipment in order for the hundreds of students, new and old, who trek to North Texas. This opening, more than under ordinary circumstances, has been somewhat disconcerting, both to the administrative staff of the College and to incoming students because construction work on the two large residence halls, which has been under way for more than a year, is still unfinished. The contractors permitted 442 students to enter their rooms, however; and, while meal service, particularly in Chilton Hall, has been greatly interfered with because of unfinished equipment, those residing in these buildings have probably been able to live for these few days without great inconvenience. You may be assured that everything within our power is being done to make you comfortable and to facilitate your getting started in the year's work in the best way. Your apparent understanding of the situation and your full cooperation with us have been greatly appreciated.

For the past two decades, each year of the school's existence, with perhaps two exceptions, has been marked by increased enrollment. This year appears to be no exception.

The twelve-months' session which closed in August was marked by many examples of advances for the institution. It is my hope and belief that this session may show similar advances.

There is extended to you a most cordial greeting and a sincere wish for a happy and profitable year.

W.J. McConnell, President


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