
Water, Art and the Environment

2009 Winter

The third biennial conference, with participation across disciplines, will focus on rivers.

Call Mean Green Students

2009 Winter

Students donate to UNT after participating in annual phone-a-thon.

Generations of Excellence

2009 Winter

Members of the J.C. Matthews family were honored with inaugural award.

UNT Breaks Ground on New Stadium

2009 Winter

The 30,000-seat stadium will be the centerpiece of UNT's Mean Green Village.

Fort Hood Honored

2009 Winter

UNT honored Fort Hood shooting victims and first-responders at its Nov. 21 game against Army.

Art lecturer Lesli Robertson creates textile installation for Dallas Museum of Art

The work of Lesli Robertson (’06 M.F.A.), lecturer in studio art known for her culture-based fiber installation pieces, will be featured at the Dallas Museum of Art’s Center for Creative Connections.

Students opening doors to UNT on the Square
Advancing the Arts

2009 Winter

A new institute opens gallery, welcomes Oscar-nominated writer and names faculty fellows.

88.1 on Your FM Dial

2009 Winter

Campus radio station KNTU celebrates 40th anniversary.

Professor's works displayed at Cowboys Stadium and Australian university

Cowboys Stadium in Arlington and Monash University near Melbourne, Australia, are a few of the latest settings for the works of Annette Lawrence, professor of studio art.

Texas Fashion Collection’s 1920s styles are at Fashion on Main

“Painting the Town: 1920s High Style,” a free exhibition of 1920s clothing styles from the Texas Fashion Collection at UNT, is on display through Dec. 18 at Fashion on Main at the Universities Center at Dallas.
