ObituaryJim Sybert

Photo of Jim SybertJim Sybert (’55, ’56 M.A.), Professor Emeritus of physics, died Dec. 15 in Naples, Fla. He taught at UNT from 1956 to 1958 and 1961 until his retirement in 2004. He served as physics department chair from 1969 to 1980 and helped establish the physics Ph.D. program. His research interests, in addition to solid-state physics, included media techniques in the teaching of science, and his work was funded by the Department of Defense and National Science Foundation. He was also a visiting professor at the Institute Politechino Nacional in Mexico, Institute Teknologi MARA in Malaysia and several other colleges. Julia Sybert ('92, '94 M.B.A.) and son-in-law, mathmatics professor Michael Monticino. Donations may be made to the Jim Sybert Memorial Fund.