The musical duo The Walkers — Kayley Walker, a junior radio/television/film major, and Andrew Walker, a junior music major — made their national TV debut when they appeared on the Today show in January. The Walkers, who are unrelated, performed their self-written jingle, one of three chosen from 20,000 submissions, for music producer David Foster on the NBC morning program. Kayley's aunt, Sherion Clark ('68), suggested they enter the contest.
The Today show cast watched as they rehearsed the song.
"They were tapping their feet and snapping along," Kayley says. "It was so awesome that they liked it."
Foster selected another jingle, but the Walkers perform at The Syndicate in the University Union and area coffee shops.
"This isn't the last of The Walkers!" Kayley says. "Music is what we both love and we hope to one day maybe make a career out of it."
Watch The Walkers perform their Today show jingle. Skip ahead to 2:15 if you only want to hear The Walker's performance.