For 30 years, UNT's Career Center has helped students and alumni find the right careers for them and guided them along
their career paths. The center staff estimates that they help between 10,000 and 20,000
UNT students and alumni each year with their career and employment decisions.
Alison Delicati, assistant director of the Career Center, says the services available to students and alumni are always valuable resources, particularly during a struggling economy.
"Any Career Center service we provide for current students is available for alumni -- all of our services are offered to alums after they graduate at no charge," Delicati says. That includes:
"More specifically, the services that the Career Center provides to both students and alumni include things like assistance with choosing or changing a career and taking the appropriate steps to be successful within those careers.
"We also assist with each step of the job search process from discussing strategies to perfecting a resume and teaching interviewing techniques."
"Networking is the No. 1 way to find an opportunity, especially in this job market," Delicati says. "As one of our goals is to provide opportunities for students, alumni and employers to interact, the Career Center offers several networking opportunities throughout the academic year and summer."
In addition to large-scale career fairs each semester, the Career Center also offers:
"The Career Center works in collaboration with the UNT Alumni Association to offer alumni-centered networking opportunities both on and off-campus."
"The Career Center offers several mentoring opportunities," Delicati says. "Currently, through the Eagle Network system, alumni are able to express interest in mentoring a student by registering professional profile information. Students interested in a mentoring relationship can then work through the Career Center to find alumni that may be a good match based on career interests and goals."
"The Career Center hosts 4 to 5 large-scale career fairs each semester. These fairs are open to both student and alumni attendees at no charge."
"The center is experiencing a steady flow of student and alumni traffic on our web site, Eagle Network system and in the office," Delicati says. "We've seen an increase in certain areas, like advising, by as much as 5% and our on-campus interviews have increased by even more.
"The current economic downturn is impacting the job market, and it is important for students and alumni to begin their job searches early and use even more calculated strategies and techniques for uncovering opportunities in the hidden job market."