From left, standing, Madie Echols Robinson ('53), Shirley Blakeley Mitchell   ('56), Virginia White Lasworth ('54), Mary Shoemaker Perrin, Mattie   McClintock Ivy ('54), Barbara Fry Arnold ('55), Wilma Connell Jeffers   ('54), Dottie Maddox Holliday ('57), Mary Lou McClintock Throneberry   ('61), Phyllis Powers Roberts ('70); seated, Delma Deaver Donohue   Hendrix ('53), Marilyn Bruyere Brunkhurst ('53), Mary White Scott.


Friendships beginning in the 1950s at North Texas have become lifelong memories. As older women, we now realize how unusual and rare it is to find ourselves in the same general area (Dallas-Fort Worth) with the willingness to get together for lunch once a month no matter what happens. All but two were in the sorority known as Phi Sigma Alpha. We have seen many life changes over the years: children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, marriage, divorce, death and tragedies. However, we all know that whatever happens — the wonderful or the destructive — we are there for each other to lean on and depend on.

We doubt that there are many groups of women who have shared lunch together once a month for more than 50 years. We find ourselves marveling in this accomplishment.