John Sandoval ('96)
Memphis, Tenn.
Degree in:
Biochemistry and biology with a minor in sculpture
Traits of a good doctor:
Compassion, caring, strong character and patience
On mentors:
My career in medicine has been a profound and rewarding experience and, at times,
very painful and agonizing. But having good mentors throughout all phases of my training
has made those challenges more manageable.
Advice for students:
I was inspired to work in medicine after shadowing James Conyers ('70), a general surgeon who was the father of one of my friends during my high school
years. Find mentors in the particular career path you want to follow, develop relationships
with them and learn from their experiences.
Free time activities:
I spend time with my family. I continue to follow Dallas Stars hockey, meeting former
classmates in Dallas for a game once a year, and am trying to get my three young daughters
to appreciate the sport (at least on TV).