Campus Headlines

The photo accompanying the "Tell us about your campus headlines" blurb in the summer issue really should have identified the two men pictured, C.E. Shuford and Keith Shelton.

To a dwindling number of us, these two men were giants in journalism education, and while I missed the Shuford era at North Texas, I did have the privilege of taking classes under Shelton.

He was a mentor and later a friend. I rarely write without thinking, "How would Keith Shelton edit this?"

Ernie Murray ('77)


In April 1971 the new Student Government Association had just adopted a constitution that paid a salary of $250 per month to the SGA president and $125 a month to two VPs who would be appointed by that president. I was working my way through my senior year and thought this was a lot of money, but if someone was going to get paid, why not me?

I decided to run for SGA president on the platform "I Want The Money." I caught the attention of Daily Editor Terry Kelly who posted a front page picture of me signing up in one April issue and then endorsed me later in the April 28 issue. That issue also had all eight candidates answering questions.

I believe I placed fourth in the election, and I finished my degree as the student manager of KNTU. Those headlines about my presidential run were my favorites.

Bill Conway ('71)
San Diego, Calif.

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