The photo accompanying the "Tell us about your campus headlines" blurb in the summer issue really should have identified the two men pictured, C.E. Shuford and Keith Shelton.

To a dwindling number of us, these two men were giants in journalism education, and while I missed the Shuford era at North Texas, I did have the privilege of taking classes under Shelton.

He was a mentor and later a friend. I rarely write without thinking, "How would Keith Shelton edit this?"

Ernie Murray ('77)


In April 1971 the new Student Government Association had just adopted a constitution that paid a salary of $250 per month to the SGA president and $125 a month to two VPs who would be appointed by that president. I was working my way through my senior year and thought this was a lot of money, but if someone was going to get paid, why not me?

I decided to run for SGA president on the platform "I Want The Money." I caught the attention of Daily Editor Terry Kelly who posted a front page picture of me signing up in one April issue and then endorsed me later in the April 28 issue. That issue also had all eight candidates answering questions.

I believe I placed fourth in the election, and I finished my degree as the student manager of KNTU. Those headlines about my presidential run were my favorites.

Bill Conway ('71)
San Diego, Calif.