Pass it on: Great things are happening at UNT. Learn about them here and share our successes with your family and friends.

  • Puck Madness! For the third time since 2007, the UNT Inline Hockey Team won the Southwest Collegiate Hockey League Championship. The club sport, similar to ice hockey but with no offside, is played with teams of four wearing inline roller skates chasing a non-bounce plastic puck.
  • Logistics Prowess. A UNT team — Jessica Harris, Jin Zhao, Chris Eanes (’10) and Jonathan Page (’10), all logistics and supply chain management students — won the National Logistics Challenge for the third consecutive year. Coached by Ila Manuj, assistant professor in the Department of Marketing and Logistics, the students dominated the college-bowl style competition.
  • Champion Moves and Grooves. The North Texas Dancers earned the championship title — for the first time — in the Division I-A category at the 2010 American Collegiate Championship this March at UNT in conjunction with the American National/International Championship. Presented by American Dance/Drill Team with more than 6,000 participants, it is the largest event of its kind in the country, drawing teams from across the U.S. and as far away as Japan.