UNT is currently participating in the Strategic National Arts Alumni Project (SNAAP) — a survey that explores the lives of arts alumni nationwide.

Alumni in creative fields (including music, visual arts, dance, theater, and creative writing, among other majors) who graduated from UNT's College of Music, College of Visual Arts and Design, or College of Arts and Sciences are eligible to participate in the survey. Alumni who have not received an invitation can still take the survey by visiting SNAAP Survey online and creating a log in ID.

The survey provides alumni with a chance to share their experiences and help shape the future of arts education at UNT and across the country. The survey results will help participating arts institutions better prepare students for success, whether they stay in the arts or use what they've learned in other professional fields. After completing the survey, alumni will have access to a site where they can see how their experience compares. They can see where arts graduates live, where they work, what they earn and how their arts educations have influenced their lives.

"It can be difficult to define alumni success in creative fields, because their careers can look very different from graduates in fields like business or education," says Rachel Yoder, SNAAP project manager for UNT. "Arts graduates often work as self-employed freelancers, or they may have a more traditional 'day job' and do creative work in their free time. The SNAAP survey helps us understand what success in creative fields looks like today, and how our alumni feel UNT prepared them for the future."

SNAAP is supported by grants from the Surdna Foundation, the National Endowment for the Arts, and other foundations. UNT's participation in SNAAP is sponsored by the Provost's Office, the College of Arts and Sciences, College of Music and College of Visual Arts and Design.