During one of her modern dance classes at UNT, Ginny Wheeler ('18) needed a partner. She asked her classmate, Danielle Willis ('18).
"I think she works hard like I do," Wheeler thought at the time. "We were having to do stuff that involved a lot of trust, like having to bend over backwards over Danielle's back. And ever since then, I feel we became glued at the hip." Their friendship, which began around their sophomore year, has evolved into a working partnership that centers on one of their favorite musicians. They perform as part of Red: A Taylor Swift Tribute, a band that tours at local festivals and venues around the nation.
The duo notes that they are bringing an experience to fans who may not be able to see Swift in concert. Willis remembers their first show, which sold out.
"When you perform dance -- live or musical theater -- you feed off the energy from the audience, and it's just a different feeling than if you were to dance by yourself in the studio," Willis says. "But when we got on that stage, with all the screaming, cheering Swifties, that energy was so high. It was so visceral. It was unlike anything I've ever experienced from an audience."