Dan Franks ('08) was a full-time accountant who enjoyed talking to entrepreneurs about their work. He ended up making a podcast where he interviewed small business owners about "nerdy business and tax type stuff." That led him to interact with other podcasters, and in 2014, he co-founded Podcast Movement, a company that hosts two annual conferences and trade shows, a daily newsletter and a website.

Franks is like thousands of others who've enjoyed making podcasts -- which can run the gamut from daily news reports to niche interests. Thanks to UNT's strong programs in the Department of Media Arts and Mayborn School of Journalism, many alumni are producing their own podcasts. It's easier than ever since people can use simple equipment or record on Zoom.

But there are other aspects potential podcasters need to think about.

"The way to stand out above others is not just to have a podcast, but it's to have a good quality podcast," Franks says. "So that means quality audio, but it also means quality of content. So not just does the audio sound good, but you're telling a compelling story or talking to interesting people and crafting a show that's exciting and interesting."

Here, three members of the UNT community discuss best practices for creating a podcast.

Dan Franks

Dan Franks ('08)

Co-founder and president of Podcast Movement

"Because there's so many podcasts out there, you almost have to budget as much time for growing your show as you do creating it. If nobody knows it exists, maybe you don't have an existing social media channel or you don't have some sort of existing newsletter, you'll need some other way to spread the word about it."

Brenda Jaskulske

Brenda Jaskulske ('94 M.A.)

Principal lecturer in the Department of Media Arts, voiceover artist, podcaster, television producer, videographer and editor

"It is important to choose a topic in which you have a passion, with a different angle that makes your podcast stand out. You should also understand why you want to podcast. Do you want to monetize your podcast for income, garner a certain amount of subscribers or do you just want to have fun with your friends putting something together?"

Jessica Yanez

Jessica Yañez ('08)

Mayborn School of Journalism graduate and host of "The Wine and Chisme Podcast"

"When it comes to finding guests for your podcast, the most important thing is to find people you find genuinely interesting. If you talk to people who you aren't interested in hearing from, that comes across in your conversation, and if you aren't engaged, how can your listeners expect to be?"