The following UNT alumni will be honored during Homecoming Week at the 54th annual Distinguished Alumni Achievement Awards.

Distinguished Alumni Award:
The most prestigious award given by the UNT Alumni Association, presented to alumni for distinguished professional achievement that has merited the honor and praise of peers and colleagues.

  • George Foster ('72)
  • Steve Holmes ('80)
  • Al McNatt ('68)

Distinguished Young Alumni Award:
Presented to young alumni under the age of 40 for distinguished professional achievement that has merited the honor and praise of peers and colleagues.

  • Keith ('03, '03 M.S.) and Sarah ('03) Walters

Outstanding Alumni Service Award:
Presented to honor individuals who have provided exceptional volunteer service to UNT or the community.

  • Linda Creagh ('62, '63 M.S., '67 Ph.D.)
  • Bob Garza ('74)
  • Cathy Hartman ('67, '91 M.S.)

Ulys Knight Spirit Award:
Presented to an individual or group that has made noteworthy efforts to sustain spirit among the UNT family.

  • John ('91) and Shelley Alexander

Generations of Excellence Award:
Presented to a family for their extraordinary service to and advocacy for UNT through multiple generations.

  • Drew Springer Sr. ('66), Drew Springer Jr. ('88) and Grant Springer