I am attaching a photo I thought was taken for the 1964 Yucca, but there is no picture of the cheerleaders as a group there. Pictured, starting with myself at the top left and going clockwise, are: Bruce Deelaney ('65), Alice; Robert Campbell ('64, '65 M.Ed.), Dallas; Barry Jackson ('64, '67 M.Ed.), Cleburne; Judy Philbrick ('65), Dallas; Cathy Ashmore, Paris; and Nancy Filippone ('65), San Antonio. Cathy was secretary and I was president of the junior class in 1963-64. Nancy was my cheerleading partner and taught me everything I knew about cheerleading. Bob and Barry were Sig Eps, Nancy and Judy were ADPis, Cathy was a Chi Omega and I was a KA. It was a fun but very busy year.
Bruce Deelaney ('65)