King was always brimming with creativity. And he always had a fascination with space.
Those elements have connected throughout his life.
His father, an engineer, recognized his talent. He asked his 8-year-old son to draw
an artistic version of 3-D wire rope tension equipment, which tested the stress of
elevator ropes. The company paid King $300.
“It definitely opened my eyes to a career,” King says.
King, who grew up in Boerne, first took classes at the University of Texas at San
Antonio, then transferred to UNT for its well-known communication design program.
He took to the city, living on Fry Street (“I was very Denton”), and to the program,
winning the first-ever College of Visual Arts and Design award for Outstanding Portfolio
in Graphic Design.
He was just 12 hours away from finishing his degree, but Dallas advertising agencies
were recruiting him for jobs. After briefly working for Sibley-Peteet, King returned
to UNT and studied painting under Rob Erdle. Then he left college again to work for
Dallas-based Focus2, an agency that specialized in luxury brands.
His career took him to Santa Fe, New Mexico, and finally to his current residence
of Portland, Oregon. With the firm of Wieden+Kennedy, he began working on projects
for Nike. The most significant of these was Nike Better World, the website that introduced
parallax scrolling, where the background of the web page moves at a slower rate than
the foreground, creating a 3D-like effect. It is now used on smartphones.
But, after running an agency focused on Nike Interadtive, he took a sabbatical in
2015 after the death of his parents.
“After gaining recognition as an Influential Designer from Fast Company, I started questioning what influence meant. It felt like a responsibility,” he says.
“So I began to think, how am I a good example?”
At the end of his sabbatical, he decided to make something for himself. He remembered
his fondness for Pioneer 10, a spacecraft that blasted off in 1972 and is still drifting
in space. In fact, King loved it so much, was the first URL he ever
Pioneer 10 carried a plaque, designed by scientist Carl Sagan, Frank Drake and Linda
Salzman-Sagan, that serves as a galactic greeting card communicating when Pioneer
was launched, from where, and by what kind of beings to scientifically educated extraterrestrials
should they encounter it. It bore a message for aliens with drawings of the spacecraft,
solar system and male and female bodies.
King found the original engraver and launched a Kickstarter to create historically
accurate replicas of the plaque. His carefully crafted campaign was funded within
just 30 hours. And, as a result, King made new friends with the Sagan family and NASA
officials, winning attention in Smithsonian, Popular Mechanics and Fast Company magazines.
His career has come full circle.
“As a kid, I drew spacecraft,” he says. “When I was a young designer, I bought the domain name. And as an adult, this magical project that overlapped what
I’m good at, what I love and what the things the world needs – design, space and hope.
I feel very lucky because it’s an alignment of my passions and my abilities with the