Photography by: Michael Clements

John Peters

His work has been called "erudite," "insightful," "indispensable." The New Yorker labeled him "the leading American Conradian." Now, UNT Distinguished Research Professor John Peters can add another designation to that already impressive list: winner of the UNT Foundation Eminent Faculty Award.

"I have this job where there's a great balance between research and teaching literature," says Peters, a faculty member in the Department of English since 2001. "I read something, and it strikes me, and I get to think about it more and write about it."

Peters -- who earned a Ph.D. in English from Pennsylvania State University ­-- has devoted much of his scholarship to the British novelist Joseph Conrad and is widely considered one of the world's leading Conrad experts.

He has written three books, 19 articles, and eight notes on the author, and edited three essay collections about him. He also serves as general editor for Conradiana, the longest-running journal in Conrad studies.

"Conrad is one of the most important figures among 20th century fiction writers," Peters says. "His novels deal with moral and psychological dilemmas and how individuals encounter them, which I find interesting."

In addition to his unparalleled expertise on Conrad, Peters' Eminent Faculty Award win recognizes his service to UNT. His numerous roles have included serving as interim and acting chair for the Department of English; serving as chair of the University Library Committee, chair of the Academic Affairs Committee and secretary of the University Promotion and Tenure Committee; and serving as a mentor to junior faculty members and as a job placement officer.