Professors J. Michael Spector, Gerald Knezek and Lin Lin have established laboratories with colleagues at both universities focused on learning technologies.
"We are very pleased and highly honored to receive this prestigious award," says Kinshuk, UNT College of Information dean. "This not only highlights the significance of the joint activities that have resulted from these collaborations, but also stresses the need for more such efforts to advance the field. We are grateful to be recognized by the American Educational Research Association, the premier national educational research organization."
UNT and East China Normal University's collaboration resulted in a joint research laboratory, which focuses on big data, little devices and lifelong learning. The two also have collaborated on the creation of the International Journal of Smart Technology and Learning, and UNT hosted ECNU graduate students.
Additionally, UNT and Beijing Normal University have signed an agreement continuing their multiple-year partnership, which will result in a joint lab focusing on smart learning technologies.
Faculty and students at all three universities have co-presented at several international conferences and co-written articles in highly regarded journals. Kinshuk and a Beijing Normal University professor also established the journal Smart Learning Environments.