As I read comments regarding North Texas memories, I find myself nodding yes, as I,
too, have those same memories. I feel as if my education began and ended in Denton.
As a young child, I was fortunate to get to attend the kindergarten lab school, once during the long term when I was 4 and again in the summer when I was 5. In Denton then, it was safe enough for a 5-year-old to walk unattended the short distance from home to the school.
It felt like coming home when I entered North Texas as a freshman. I remember so much from then — the UB and coffeecake, the One O'Clock Lab Band playing at the Union, choir tours with Mr. Mac, opera tours with Mary McCormic (yes, I go back a long way). I lived in Kendall Hall but spent most of my time in the Music Building. Such good memories … such a good school.
Janette Kavanaugh
('56, '69 M.M., '82 Ph.D.)