As an innovative university, UNT is in the business of change. We're improving our quality in many areas and growing as a major public research university with a goal of offering the best undergraduate education in Texas.
But one thing that has stayed constant is our ability to meet the educational and work force needs of the Dallas-Fort Worth region and state. I am resolved to have more people understand that UNT is a driving force in higher education in Texas. The quality of education we provide is on par with that of many of the nation's best universities, and more than 3,600 UNT students graduated this spring, ready and able to change the world.
You can read about our accomplishments over the past year in the President's Annual Report 2010. This quantitative view of UNT allows you to assess our importance through data clearly measuring our strengths and weaknesses. I felt it was especially important that the report include how we're being fiscally responsible and continuing to excel. UNT has made tough choices to deal with decreasing state funding, but we have not sacrificed our ability or commitment to give students a high-quality education.
The report illustrates how we have been growing and improving. We want more people to see us as we are — a growing national university — and to understand that we are in the right place at the right time to become one of the best. We especially want to become better understood by political leaders, donors, prospective students and individuals throughout the North Texas region. These are people who will help define our future, and it's time they realize just how good we are at what we do.
V. Lane Rawlins