Arab Contemporary Art in the 21st Century bookcover
Arab Contemporary Art in the 21st Century bookcover

Nada M. Shabout, associate professor of art history and a leading authority on contemporary Iraqi art, is co-editor of a new in-depth survey of the cutting edge of Arab art.

New Vision: Arab Contemporary Art in the 21st Century (Thames and Hudson Ltd.), co-edited with Hossein Amirsadeghi of Transglobe Publishing and Salwa Mikdadi of JFK University, includes profiles of organizations, galleries and artists and more than 500 color illustrations. Essays cover the topics of diaspora, globalization, identity, audience and the origins of the current interest in the Arab art world.

Shabout, who is working to digitally document modern Iraqi art lost in the war, was awarded a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Institute of Museum and Library Services to create a publicly accessible archive of the missing art.