Since Nov. 3, 1969, award-winning campus radio station KNTU has been providing students with hands-on broadcast experience in programming and production, announcing, sales and station administration. The station’s founders, managers, student staff and devoted listeners through the years gathered for its 40th anniversary Nov. 6 with music provided by the One O’Clock Lab Band.
Recognized at the event were individuals instrumental in the station’s launch: the late Reginald Holland, then chair of the Department of Speech and Drama; Ted Colson, then head of the department’s radio, television and film division; and Bill Mercer (’66 M.A.), the first general manager.
Quite a bit has changed in 40 years. KNTU general manager Russ Campbell says the station was originally on the air from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., with 20 to 25 student volunteers playing their own albums. It now broadcasts 24 hours a day, seven days a week, with 50 to 75 paid and volunteer student workers. At 100,000 watts (up from its initial 250 watts), KNTU is the most powerful university station in the area. It began playing primarily jazz in 1984.